Coronavirus in Russia. COVID-19

Всем привет! Думаю, моим заграничным друзьям будет интересно, как обстоят дела с коронaвирусом в России. Возможно, мы сами не все знаем, но скрывать информацию правительству и медикам от людей, я думаю, было бы незаконно. Те, кто живет здесь, вы и так все знаете из новостей, можете текст не читать, а посмотреть мой лучок, завалявшийся с декабря.

У нас действительно (пока?) не так много заболевших относительно численности населения и если подумать, этому есть несколько причин. Большинство людей в нашей стране отдыхает летом - в июне, июле и августе, в другое время они просто не выезжают за границу. Многие вообще не выезжают за границу, люди отдыхают на наших курортах на Черном море. Мы мало путешествуем и этот факт здесь сыграл нам на руку. А от туристов из других стран Россия рано закрыла границы, да и зимой желающих приехать к нам не так много. Я считаю, это был правильный шаг в такое неспокойное время. Если бы Китай сразу закрыл свои границы в обе стороны, вирус не распространился бы по миру.

Многие из нас быстро решились на самоизоляцию. И пусть некоторые все еще не верят в вирус и думают, что их все это не касается, но большинство людей адекватно оценили ситуацию, воспользовались каникулами, купили еду, вино и сидят дома. Используем это время правильно: смотрим фильмы, читаем книги, проводим время с семьей. Выходим только в магазин и аптеку! Чем быстрее мы все отсидимся, тем быстрее снова вернемся к нормальной жизни. Все общественные места все равно сейчас закрыты, ходить некуда. Отменили много рейсов между городами и похоже, я не смогу полететь к родителям в конце мая.

Нам сразу объяснили всю опасность вируса и мы давно пользуемся антисептиками, моем руки, когда приходим домой и, пользуясь личными границами, и так не подходим к другим людям ближе чем на метр. У всех дома безлимитный интернет, на крайняк телек, информация расходится очень быстро.

У России очень большая территория. Города располагаются далеко друг от друга. Многие жители европейской части страны никогда не были в азиатской части и наоборот. Я, например, никогда не была в Сибири, хотя мне очень хотелось бы увидеть Байкал и Камчатку. Пока для меня это очень дорого и далеко, если сравнивать, поездки в Европу мне обходятся куда дешевле. Мы опять-таки сидим на одном месте, не перекидывая вирус из региона в регион.

Возможно, русские действительно более закаленные, мы же живем в сложных погодных и экономических условиях. Еще мы надеемся только на себя, сами знаете, нам неоткуда ждать помощи. Ходят слухи, что уже нашли вакцину от этой заразы и активно тестируют ее. Более того, об этом пишут и говорят в новостях.

Мне было бы очень интересно, если в комментариях вы напишите о реальной ситуации у вас. Думаете, к лету эпидемия уже прекратится или хотя бы вакцина будет найдена?


Hi everyone! I think my foreign friends will be interested in how things are going with coronavirus in Russia. We may not know everything ourselves, but I think it would be illegal for the government and medical professionals to hide information from the public. In fact, we don't have many cases of the disease, especially given the number of residents, and if you think about it, there are several reasons for this

Most people in Russia spend their holidays in the summer - in June, July and August. Many people do not go abroad at all, they rest at our resorts on the Black sea. Russians don't travel much, and this fact has played into our hands here. And from tourists from other countries, Russia closed its borders early. I think it was the right move in such a turbulent time. If China had closed its borders in both directions immediately after the outbreak, the virus would not have spread around the world.

Many of us quickly decided to isolate ourselves. And even though some people still don't believe in the virus and think that all this does not concern them, most people have adequately assessed the situation and took advantage of the holidays that the government announced. We bought food and wine and stayed at home. We watch movies, read books, and spend time with our family. We only go to the grocery store. All restaurants, shopping centers, cinemas, schools and other public places are closed. Many flights between the country's cities were canceled.

We were immediately explained the danger of the virus and we have long been using antiseptics, do not approach other people closer than a meter. We are active in social networks, every home has unlimited Internet, and information is distributed very quickly.

Russia has a very large territory. Cities are located far from each other. Many residents of the European part of the country have never been to the Asian part and Vice versa. For example, I have never been to Siberia, although I would very much like to see lake Baikal and Kamchatka. Although for me it is very expensive and far away, if you compare, trips to Europe are much cheaper. We sit in one place, so the disease spreads slowly.

Perhaps the Russians are really more hardened, as we live in difficult weather and economic conditions. We rely only on ourselves, we have nowhere to wait for help. In particular, we do not expect help from the government. In this situation, unfortunately, it did not protect the vulnerable segments of the population in any way.

There are rumors that our compatriots have already invented a vaccine against this infection and are actively testing it. Moreover, this is written and talked about in the news. I hope that very soon we will be able to help the world cope with this disaster. Maybe then people will understand that we are not an evil or dangerous nation, we are just rather closed and do not smile much, because we have a hard history and little sun. To be honest, I hate all these stereotypes, so I travel around trying to dispel some of my incorrect opinions and others ' opinions about us, and I'm very happy to have an audience here and on my instagram where I can share my opinions with you.

I would be very interested if you wrote about the real situation in your country with your own eyes in the comments. And I hope that the translator will do its job, my English leaves much to be desired, although I have studied it for 12 years) By the way, in the future, I have a translator in the upper right corner of the page and you can always translate my texts from Russian to your native language.

Сегоня 1 апреля, День Дурака, но как-то со всей этой ситуацией в мире уже не до шуток. Total-black лучок с новенькими зимним пальто и зимними сапогами был отснят еще в декабре, но прошедшей зимой зимние вещи мне не пригодились и если в пальто я иногда выходила на длительные прогулки, то сапоги, утепленные внутри мехом, были вообще ни к чему. В качестве локации для съемки просто идеально подошел Соляной переулок и прекрасное здание Музея прикладного искусства Академии А.Л. Штиглица.

На мне: 
Пальто - LAVE
Сумка - ZAC Zac Posen
Сапоги - Эконика 


  1. Привет! У нас в Украине тоже карантин. В транспорт пускают только по 10-15 человек. Кто работает, кто нет. Многие перешли на дистанционную работу. Но, к сожалению, очень много не сознательных граждан, которые продолжают выгуливать детей на детских площадках и просто срывают ограждающие ленты на детских площадках, ходят на шашлыки и т.д.

    1. У нас теперь будут штрафовать неосознанных и это правильно. Мы дома сидим, работать не можем, а эти продолжают по улицам шататься, тем самым только продлевая период карантина и подрывая экономику. Посидели бы реально все 2-3 недели и уже в мае бы снова без страха по улицам и паркам гуляли

  2. Thank you so much for sharing

  3. I love your chic but glamrock look <3

  4. да, сознательности можно позавидовать) но не все конечно соблюдают правила(

    1. Индекс самоизоляции показывает, что до большей части потихоньку начало доходить)

  5. Your photos are amazing. So powerful and dramatic. Stay safe.

    New Post -

  6. Nice photos and I hope you are well.


  7. In Poland also are open only shop with food and pharmacy. I would like to return to normal life. I am scared because i dont know how many Times it takes

  8. Love this look! they style is prefect! stay safe! NYC is crazy atm

  9. Gorgeous! We don't hear much about Russia over here, then again we don't focus too much on other countries period. I think everyone is just trying hard to get everyone through. Stay safe over there


  10. Меня вся эта ситуация очень пугает. Особенно, видя, что творится в Италии и Испании...

  11. Me encantó el post, gracias por compartirlo. Besos.

  12. That is interesting to hear and glad that things in Russia aren't as bad as they are in the US. We definitely travel more and didn't enforce lockdown for a while. Praying if we stay home longer that this will pass and we can get through it.


  13. Thank you for sharing how things are in Russia! I'm glad things are okay there and that it hasn't really spread. I hope you're doing well and stay safe!

    x Kara |

  14. Oh, it is interesting to read how your country deals with the current situation. I wasn't aware that Russian people don't travel much, yes, this is now really an advantage! In Bavaria we have exit restrictions since more than 2 weeks and I'm working from home since 3 weeks. I think Bavaria and Germany have much more to deal with the virus than Russia ...
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  15. Yes, that is a point. A friend of mine said similar who has lived there. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Stay safe dear. x/Madison

  16. Привет! I think it is very interesting to analize and compare the steps you guys took to stay safe. Here in Mexico barely anything is being done, and it is more like the government is condemning our doctors and nurses to death as there are not enough supplies for protection. Plus, there are no restrictions for traveling. Most people are staying home and taking precautions, but it is entirely voluntary. Hopefully this nightmare will end soon.

    I love your outfit, nothing more elegant could ever exist.


    1. When there is no hope for the government, people have to rely on themselves. Now a lot really depends on us, it is important to stay at home and take precautions. Unfortunately, our government announced the weekend until April 30, and also did not take care of the low-income segments of the population, who were left without work and without money for this time.

  17. You look great. :)
    Take care and have a great weekend,

  18. I really like your outfit. The coat looks amazing on you x


  19. I love your hair =)

  20. Love your chic coat! We are stuck at home here in the US and the numbers of people dying is getting bigger and bigger. Praying for all during this pandemic.

  21. I'm so glad you guys don't have too many cases compared to the population. Nearly 600 a dying here a day, it's so scary! Keep safe xo

    Makeup Muddle

  22. It is glad to read good news!
    Here, in Spain, the situation is hard and very sad!
    But we will overcome it!

    1. I had a planned trip to Spain this year and I believe that it will still take place. I believe that everything will be fine soon! Hang in there!

  23. I love that coat! And I am from Italy so you know about our situation, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only now.
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

    1. We know that the situation in Italy is very difficult, as they say in the news. But I believe that with tough measures, things will soon change for the better.
      Be healthy and be strong. Everything will be fine!

  24. Hope it'll get better soon everywhere!

  25. Stay safe, sweetie. Scary times for all of us...


  26. Thanks for sharing about your part of the world. It's always so interesting to hear about other places.

  27. Wow thank you so much for sharing this! I'm in Canada and I often wonder how other parts of the world are handling this pandemic. I cant wait to read future posts and I hope you and everyone else stays healthy and safe.

  28. Ah the photos are wonderful as usual and love the bag! Ah yes I was wondering about Russia and why you do not hear too much about the virus being a problem. My first thought was that I think people in Russia do not travel as much as in other countries. So this is true. And I agree China or should I say the Chinese government and leader of China should have closed it boarders and acknowledged this disease much sooner and yes you are right it would not have spread like it did. They have the blood of their own people and the world on their hands. To ignore it defeated the purpose. In history they will now be remembered as the government that caused this. And the wet markets OMG they need to be outlawed.

    Allie of

    1. These Chinese markets are just awful, they really should be banned, no matter what part of the culture they are. It's just dangerous for people. After all, this is not the first outbreak of epidemics in China.
      It is strange to me that the borders of some countries still remain open, and even worse, people continue to go somewhere, despite the fact that the situation is very tense. Can't you stay at home for a little while for your own safety and the safety of other people? I canceled my April trip to Europe at the end of February, and even my parents from another city will not go to my birthday party now, because such a road can become dangerous for all of us

  29. Here in Brazil, only supermarkets and pharmacies are open.
    I really like your outfit.
    Stay safe.

  30. Well, I'm glad that the Russia has the situation under control and I hope your doctors manage to find the cure. In most of other European countries, the situation is quite serious. Croatia has had the strictest measures in Europe according to some research. You need a pass to be able to get anywhere and the police is making sure nobody is going out without one. The number of infected people is still low. Our country isn't large and it isn't densely populated either. There are only about four million of us in total. The earthquake in Zagreb was most unfortunate because it forced people out in the streets for safety reasons, but even with that the virus hasn't spread much. These are difficult times. Our schools have closed about three weeks ago. I find teaching from home really challenging, I'm working much longer hours than usual and have less time for everything but we all must make sacrifices for others in this time.

    1. Now a lot depends on the people themselves. If we're careful, this will all end sooner. In our schools and universities, distance learning is also currently taking place, and this is, of course, incredibly difficult for both students and teachers.
      While we are talking about introducing tougher measures in Moscow, almost all cases of the disease occur there. I really hope that we, in St. Petersburg, will not come to this

  31. Hope, this difficult time is over soon...
    Stay safe, healthy and virus free

    # You look beautiful and buildings look great

  32. Your photos are always incredible and your fashion as well!

    Glad to hear that your country is in a good condition,

    Be safe!

  33. Привет, Аня! Я хоть и из России, а твой взгляд и оценку ситуации хотела узнать. Мнения наши совпадают. Но меня подбешивают те, кто выходит из дома не в магазин и аптеку, а погулять, побегать. Понимаю, что это их дело и их здоровье, но не могу смириться:D

    1. Из-за таких безответственных нам, видимо, придется сидеть дома бесконечно( Меня еще бесят те, кто перед самым закрытием границ улетели, отгуляли отпуск, а когда выкинули из отеля - начали ныть, чтобы их вызволяли. Потом на родине они еще и по какой-то безграничной наглости не хотят соблюдать карантин. Вот такие "отдыхальщики" и растащили заразу

  34. We never hear about Russia in the news. Thank you for sharing what is going on with the virus in your country. Your photos are beautiful!

    Jill - Doused in Pink


  35. Hi. Beautiful photos. Nobody is telling the truth to me. Our people are entered in the statistics died - because of cancer. Nobody announces trash with a coroner. Helicopters fly over the city, we have 10-12 hours for seniors. Then they can buy things, but it is not said that it is forbidden at other hours so I do not understand it. I can not go to the shops on this hours.

    1. Some grocery stores here have also introduced special hours for pensioners. Surprisingly, even if you come during the day-there are not so many people, everyone tries to buy more, so as not to leave the house for as long as possible. At the same time, I am glad that all the products are there and all this madness with toilet paper is over

  36. I believe every one is facing issues. But here in Pakistan we are at ease still now shops are remain open till 5 in the evening so its not a headache but we remain mostly in house to be safe a much as possible

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt
    Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt

  37. Here in Belgrade/Serbia situation is not so bad, but we are in the critical phase right now, so who knows what is going to happen in a next few days. Love your outfit, beautiful photos. Stay safe! xoxo

  38. I hope you continue to stay safe, and I'm thankful it sounds like most people there are taking it seriously. I'm in Ohio and our cases just continue to rise each day. I'm very much ready for this to be over.

    Love your outfit!

    Make Life Marvelous

  39. Thanks for the insight, here in Dubai we are only to go out for food and medicine. You look fantastic in this outfit darling. Stay safe.


  40. Hey hon, I'm in Berlin and I'll be honest, I haven't been following what's going on here so much.
    I know the basics- the German chancellor made the social distancing ban official about 10 days ago, the only establishments open are places like supermarket, hospital, banks...some local cafes etc are open.
    I'm paying more attenton to Lagos, Nigeria as my dad is 80-something...
    Thanks for telling us how Russia is handling the crisis and wishing you a good start to your week.
    PS really like the colour of your hair, goes really well with an all-black look, Xo

  41. Interesting to know how things are going in Russia.
    I understand what you say about being rather closed and do not smile much people, here where I live we are like that and we also have little sun. Perhaps that is the reason.
    In the city where I live most people are quarantined at home, but many people still don't believe in the virus. We have a situation of political divergence, so people are very divided.
    We are also very afraid of the economic crisis that all this can generate, it is already generating.
    I hope that this phase will pass as soon as possible! ♥
    Sorry about my English :(

    1. We also have a category of people who do not believe in the virus and consider it a political conspiracy. They continue to lead an active social life and increase the statistics of cases. I hope there are enough places in hospitals for these optimists

  42. Hope this pass away very soon, keep safe!!

  43. In my opinion the entire situation (all around the world) is now less clear and very hard to manage, since they see the consequences of the lock down on the countries where the virus spreaded firstly (like here in Italy) and would try to avoid it....
    I can understand that if you live in a country away from where the virus spreaded the most all this could seem exaggerated and surreal, but really it's way better to prevent!
    So the best thing for now it to stay safe at home and keep distance from other people!

  44. I'm glad you're doing well! Here in the states, everything is pretty much closed except for essential businesses and restaurants. I hope we can all return to a normal state safely soon!

  45. красивое фото, всегда любуюсь твоими☺
    ситуация пугающая кончено, я решила с сегодня перестать гуглить что происходит иначе просто с ума сойти можно

  46. I think the better way is to isolate yourself. Stay healthy dear 💞

  47. That's very interesting, I think that it seems to be the opposite here in many ways. In my subset of the US of Florida we in general (not me) need the government to tells we have to stay home, and even then people don't listen. Most people seems to think that this is a joke and that Covid-19 is just the flu. I see a lot of medical trials in the US, and I hope if it's discovered here that they give the information and such to the rest of the world.

    My mom still doesn't believe that Covid-19 is real, she still does everything the same, and she is at risk. I don't live in the same state as her, and even if I did there is no way to force her either.

    Tiffany |

  48. You look incredibly elegant.


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